sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2007
Slow Train Coming 1979> Bob Dylan

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2007
Exclusivo_ Mark Knopfler - Kill To Get Crimson Teaser
Vídeo>> Mark Knopfler - Kill To Get Crimson Teaser
Se deliciem apreciando esse vídeo extra! =)
sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2007
Orange France June 11, 1985
Audience (but FM broadcast!) 7+
Bem, isso é um presente para o final de semana! ^^
É um bootlegs bem raro e interessante, (apesar de estar incompleto!)
Não tenho a capa completa dele, apenas essa capa!
Espero que gostem do presente ^^
1. Intro 0.57
3. So Far Away 5.04
4. Romeo & Juliet 10.38
5. Why Worry 5.24
6. Money For Nothing 9.02
7. Brothers in Arms 8.08
8. Tunnel of Love 18.16
Additional info: A recording from June 11, 1985 at Arenes, Orange, France. This is a strange recording. It is actually a radio broadcast from "Radio Activité", a French station. The announcer says that he taped it illegally during the show with bad equipment, so it is not soundboard, but audience recording. The announcer speaks over songs sometimes and the sound quality is not too good.
quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2007
New Mark Knopfler - "Punish The Monkey" and "True Love Will Never Fade"
Between Peter Gabriel's shocking ways and fellow fifty-something Englishman Mark Knopfler forthcoming monkey business, we're starting to pity our poor primate friends. Mark works his smooth baritone storytelling and slinky guitar on "Punish The Monkey" and "True Love Will Never Fade," the US and UK singles from his fifth solo album Kill To Get Crimson. Both have a slight island (and oddly Disney) feel, well-written characters, and should equally please our parents, so we're curious why the US of A scores a monkey and his, well, organ grinder while Knopfler's fellow Brits get a sexy tattooing love story…
segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2007
sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2007
Novidades !^^

“Scotty Moore was in the delivery room when Rock & Roll was born, kicking and howling in the Tennessee night. On July 5, 1954, guitarist Scotty Moore, bass player Bill Black and a young man from Tupelo, Mississippi, by the name of Elvis Aaron Presley recorded “That’s All Right” at the Memphis Recording Service – and the world was never to be the same again. Now, in another music city’s most celebrated studio, Moore and a clutch of Rock & Roll’s most famous sons pay tribute to that young man and the music he brought to live.
Mama, it certainly is all right.
”This introduction of this DVD says it all, but let’s take a closer look and decide if the tribute is as right as the words above.
The design of the DVD is good, the standard DVD box is in a slip case, but unfortunately it is missing a booklet with more background information on the performers… not that it is necessary for all of them.The DVD itself is perfect. Well designed menus, transitions and options like DTS, Dolby Digital, subtitles in several languages (and region 0) makes this (finally) an Elvis related product for which was taken care of business.
With Bill Wyman’s Rhythm Kings as backbone for most of the show we knew beforehand that fine musicians were present to be a good base. Nevertheless we had to wait how the finishing touch would be, since in a lot of tribute shows that is just not it (e.g. “A Tribute To Leiber And Stoller”). No need to worry this time!
From fine vocalists like Paul Ansell and Mike Sanchez, through artists that gained their own merits, such as Albert Lee and Steve Gibbons to legends as Clapton and Mark Knopfler… they all payed tribute in their own, honest way. To our shame we have to admit that we never heard of one Martin Taylor, but after googling him we soon found out that he won nearly continuously the British jazz award for best guitarist since 1985. After listening this DVD we know why, and also why there were no vocalists on his contributions… they must have been speechless.
Scotty Moore & Mark Knopfler - Blue Moon of Kentucky
Scotty Moore & Mark Knopfler - Baby let's play house
Mark Knopfler Jamming With Jeff Baxter
Esse eu nem sabia da existência, certamente é muito raro.
Dever ser entre 90 e 91!
Apreciem! ^^
Mark Knopfler & Randy Newman - Money That Matters Wogan Show
Outra registro bastante raro! ^^
Randy Newman, Mark Knopfler & All Stars 'Falling In Love'
Randy Newman & Mark Knopfler - Money that Matters
Eric Clapton Mark Knopfler - Crossroads (Live at Crossroads)
eric clapton feat. mark knopfler, lay down sally
Dire Straits Once Upon A Time in the West- BBC Arena
Incrível, uma versão agressíva! oO
Dire Straits Down to the Waterline- BBC Arena
Dire Straits Where Do You Think You're Going- BBC Arena
Dire Straits Sultans of Swing- BBC Arena
Dire Straits Making Movies Sessions, Solid Rock live 79-BBC Arena
Dire Straits - Making Movies Special-BBC Arana
Cenas do documentário BBC Arena 80.
O Dire Straits em estúdio em NEW York, 1980, para a Making Movies Sessions, gravando Solid Rock.
Solid Rock ao vivo em Rainbow Theatre 20 Dezembro de 1979 A última performance ao vivo de David Knopfler no Dire Straits, dia do meu aniversário! =D
Um registro incrível, para verdadeiros fãs, apreciem!!!!!!!! ^^
Dire Straits, Communiquê sessions 1979
Cenas raras, o Dire Straits em Los Angeles, USA, 28th March 1979, no Warner Studios em Los Angeles, para Communiqué sessions!
Eles andnado em plena rua em Los Angeles, dando autografos, isso é d++++++!!!!!! =D
Dire Straits- Lady Writer Rockpalast 79
Single Handed Sailor Dire Straits Rockpalast 79
Um banho de Feeling.
Esse cara não é só um Deus da guitarra, é um grande compositor!
Vejam que espontaneidade, o rock inteligente e sem frescura, isso é Dire Straits ( "Formação original" 77/79) Essa aqui vai para Lady Andrea Barone! =D
Por hoje chega! ^^
quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2007
Mark Knopfler- Devil baby Live- 6th March 2003
Mark Knopfler Devil baby Live- Edison Music Awards - Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6th March 2003
Mark Knopfler promos volume 4:
Isso aqui é um belo de presente para todos os fãs de Mark Knopfler! =)Uma linda canção, pouco citada entre os fãs! oO vê-la ao vivo é outra emoção, eu fiquei gostando mais ainda. Por isso mesmo que venho postar, com muita satisfação, para todos vocês!
Brunno Nunes. ^^
Additional comments:DVD-Video containing part 10 of a 34 volume DVD project compiled by a Spanish fan. The goal is to create a large DVD box with all TV appearances of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler, except for broadcasted concerts. The DVD's are devided in several sections. This volume is dedicated to Mark Knopfler's solo promo material for The Ragpicker's Dream. The picture quality is good on most tracks. On the Staatsloterij Show, Mark played two songs: Why aye man and Hill farmer's blues, both with only the vocals live. At the Edison Music Awards, Mark received a lifetime achievement award during his performance which is very nice to see. A great show with three live songs: Walk of Life, Devil baby and What it is. That was also the last live performance in 2003 of Mark before his motorcycle accident on 17th March 2003. On the Conan O'Brian show, Mark performed a live version of Devil Baby. CD' Aujourd'hui features mainly parts of an interview with Mark Knopfler. Ubik TV is a short French spoken special for the Ragpicker's Dream. Available on one DVD+R.
segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007
Brunno Nunes- News
Essa é minha humilde homenagem a Mark Knopfler.
Escolhi News, música do segundo álbum do Dire Straits- Communiquê, 1979.
Knopfler dedicou essa canção, em memória de John Lennon e Bob Marley, em vários shows da Making Movies tour 80/81.
Hoje eu estou fazendo essa dedicatória, não somente a Mr. Mark Knopfler, mas também, a todos os fãs!
Meu equipamento para fazer esse registro é algo muito modesto, ("como vocês percebem"), no entanto, pelo menos o aúdio capita bem! ^^
Só lembrando novamente: Não estou postando esse vídeo para ser avaliado, minha intenção é de apenas homenegiar de minha maneira, mesmo sendo de uma maneira precária, pra mim, o que vale ainda é a intenção! ^^
Então, humildemente para vocês! ^^
sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2007
quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2007
Algumas fotos raras! ( Some rare pictures )
Irei postar alguss momentos MÁGICOS,do iniciozinho da nossa tão amada banda,DIRE STRAITS!!!!!!

Mark Knopfler em 08-08-79, ainda com 29 anos em plena turnê do álbum Communiquê!Quatro dias após, ele estaria entrando pra casa dos 30 anos ^^Uma foto rara para grandes fãs!
Essa foto é muito rara, essa apresentação foi no programa Top The Pops em 78! ^^Vcs podem assistir esse registro no dvd Superstar lançado pela revsita dvd!

A banda no programa Top The Pops 1978 ^^

Uma preciosa foto da banda Dire Straits London 1978 =D
A banda em um Pub Londrino em 78! =D
Atenção fãs, não façam isso, eu já fiz e não nada bom, litros e litos de whiskey e olha o resultado! ^^Sobrou pro David arrastar o irmão + velho do Pub pra casa, nessa condições! Será que deu trabalho tirar o Mark do Pub? Dêem uma olhada na cara do David, ela diz tudo!hauhauhauhauhauhuahuahuahuahauhauahuhuahauhauhauhuhauhuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
A química perfeita! =D We are Sultans, We are Sultans of Swing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah!

Knopfler Brothers
09/1979NEW YORK

Você nunca está sozinho com uma Fender Stratocaster =D Assim como o Mark nunca esteve só, ao lado de seu irmão> David Knopfler =)
You and Your Friend - Paris 3.10.91
Bem, isso aqui é "madeira de dar em dar em doido", ( Vulgarmente falado por algumas pessoal de minha região, quando se referem a algo extraordinário ^^)
Se alguém se interessa em ter uma raridade do Dire Straits, basta ter alguma versão dessa música e você já ganha esse titulo.
Não são todos que captam essa música, no que diz respeito ao sentimento depositado por Mark Knopfler, nessa incrivél canção!
Pra defini-la em apenas uma palavra, eu diria "puro Feeling", pois ela está repleta de uma melancolia, que só pode ser ouvida e sentida, vinda da guitarra de Mark Knopfler.
Essa versão que estou postanmdo é do bootleg (Paris 3.10.91), contudo, é uma das primeira versões ao vivo!
Para vocês terem idéia, existem pouco mais de 10 versões ao vivo para You and Your Friend, ela foi uma música pouco trabalhada na OES Tour 91/92 (Lamentávelmente ¬¬) Particularmente, possuo todas essas versões, e estou deixando esse presentinho para vocês e possívelmente, postarei esse bootleg completo aqui, muito embora isso dependerá de võçês, será de acordo com os comentários! =)
Agora é com vocês!
terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2007
STEVE PHILLIPS IN BRUM: Steve Phillips will be performing at the Tower of Song Cafe Bar, 107 Pershore Road South, Cotteridge, Kings Norton, Birmingham, on the 18th of August. Tickets are £7 in advance or £8 on the door. So, for a great night out why not give them a call on 0121 486 1300 (0044 121 486 1300 if calling from outside the UK) and book your tickets now. (06/08/07)
STRAT MASTERS: A new film about the Fender Stratocaster has been released by Headstock Productions . The film, entitled Strat Masters, contains contributions from a host of well-known Strat devotees including Bruce Welch, Hank Marvin, Robert Cray, Jeff Beck, Ry Cooder and Chris Rea, with Mark featured pretty much throughout the film. For more info and to order your copy click here (updated: 26/07/07).
HONORARY DEGREE: Following on from the Honorary Doctorate conferred in 1993 by the University of Newcastle and in 1995 by the University of Leeds, Mark has received a third Honorary Doctorate of Music. The degree was bestowed by the University of Sunderland on the 11th of July in recognition of Mark's “outstanding achievements in the field of music." For further info click here (updated: 13/07/07)
NEW SOLO ALBUM: Mark's new solo album, Kill To Get Crimson, will be released worldwide on or around the 17th of September, 2007. The title is taken from a line in one of the songs. The CD cover image is taken from a painting by John Bratby (1928-1992) called Four Lambrettas and Three Portraits of Janet Churchman painted in 1958.
Contudo, essas informações são do maravilhoso site>> http://www.mark-knopfler.info/
O bom é que além de passar informações sobre nossa querida banda("Dire Straits" e "Mark Knopfler"), é uma forma de divulgar sites muito legais e facilitar a vida de visitantes de outros países. =D
Espero que sirva para todos! ^^
The section is dedicated to songs which are not included in main Mark’s releases. Some songs were released as b-sides or were included in compilation albums, some of them were never released and available as live or demo versions. We hope that it helps you to find outstanding information.
Summer Of Love. B-side from 'Boom Like That' single.
Small Potatoes. B-side from 'Why Aye Man' maxi-single.
Do America. The song was written by Mark during ‘On Location tour’ in 1981 and was finished in 1999.
Available on ‘Sailing To Philadelphia’ (UK & US versions only) and as b-side on ‘Silvertown Blues’ single.
The Long Highway. The song was recorded as demo version in 1991 and was performed live by Dire
Straits. This song was finished in 1999 and was released as b-side from ‘What It Is’ single.
Let's See You. B-side from ‘What It Is’ maxi-single.
Camerado. B-side from ‘What It Is’ maxi single.
My Claim To Fame. B-side from ‘Darling Pretty’ and ‘Rudiger’ maxi-singles.
Gravy Train. B-side from ‘Darling Pretty’ and ‘Rudiger’ maxi-singles. Also the track is available on ‘America’s Sweethearts’ soundtrack.
Tall Order Baby. B-side from ‘Cannibals’ and ‘Rudiger’ maxi-singles.
What Have I Got To Do. B-side from ‘Cannibals’ and ‘Rudiger’ maxi-singles.
Millionaire Blues. B-side from ‘Calling Elvis’ single.
Kingdome Come. B-side from ‘Heavy Fuel’ single.
Lonesome Wind Blues. B-side from ‘You Own Sweet Way’ single.
Badges, Posters, Stickers, T-shirts. B-side from ‘Private Investigations’ and 'You And Your Friend'
singles. Also this song was available as bonus track on 'Twisting By The Pool EP'.
Eastbound Train. The song was performed live only and was released as b-side on ‘Sultans Of Swing’ single.
Performed live only
Pyroman was performed live by Mark during “Sailing To Philadelphia’ tour in 2001. Guy Fletcher informed fans that Mark was not going to record this song at studio.
Two Skinny Kids was performed live by Mark during 'Master Session' in Nashville in 1998. Later Mark
never performed this song.
It's Been A While is second rare songfrom 'Master Session' in Nashville.
Real Girl was performed during 1978.
In My Car was performed during 1979.
Me and My Friends (Move It Away) was performed live during 1978.
Demo records
Secondary Waltz was written in 1976 before Dire Straits era. Mark came back to this song in 1995 and recorded a demo for Golden Heart album. In result, the song is not finished yet.
No Wonder He's Confused was record as demo for Golden Heart album.
Making Movies is unreleased song for the ‘Making Movies’ album.
Suicide Towers is second unreleased song for the ‘Making Movies’.
Summer's Coming My Way. Perhaps, it is first record by Mark. The track was recorded at studio in London.
Other songs
Lilly Of The West. Traditional song was planned by Mark for ‘Golden Heart’ album. Finally, this song was recorded by Chieftains band with Mark’s contribution on vocal and guitar for ‘The Long Black Veil’ album (1995).
I Think I Love You Too Much. This rare song is tributed to Mark’s sons, twin boys, Benji and Joseph. First time Mark perform ed this song at Knewborth Festival in 1990 (now this concert is available on DVD-Video). The album version was recorded by Jeff Healy with Mark’ contribution on guitar.
The Other Side Of The Moon. The song was recorded by Mark and Guy Fletcher with Jane Horrocks and Mikey Graham on vocals for the 'Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire' soundtrack (1989).
Overnight Sensation. This song was written specially by Mark for Tina Turner (1996)
Two Brothers and a Stranger. This instrumental theme was recorded for ‘Color of Money’ soundtrack (1986).
Private Dancer. This song was written for album ‘Love Over Gold’. An instrumental part was recorded by the Dire Straits. But Mark did not put a vocal on this track. Later in 1984 this song was chosen as the title track for Tina Turner’s solo album (1984).
Chilly Wind. The song was recorded by Mark with Sue Hercombe at Radio BBC Newcastle in 1966 or 1967. The record was found by NRK TV personnel and broadcasted during interview with Mark in 2002
Precisos links de vídeos! ^^
estou postando alguns links de vídeos, não muito comuns e muito menos comentado, por serem pouco divulgado. No entanto, vou usar esse espaço para divulgar essas preciosidades! ^^
Mark Knopfler - Speedvision Documentary (part 1)
Mark Knopfler - Speedvision Documentary (part 2)
Mark Knopfler - Speedvision Documentary (part 3)
Mark Knopfler - Play It Again (teaching Bill Oddie guitar)
Mark Knopfler & George Martin muppet song 1989
Mark Knopfler & Tom Jones - Feel Like
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (1988) [ITA Spot]
Esse vídeo é emocionante! ^^
Tiende maal het Pinkpop Festival (1979)
Esse é d+++++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UK's 100 Best Selling Albums - #4 - Brothers In Arms
Mark Knopfler at French and Saunders
Pra fechar com chave de ouro! =)
Bem, para aqueles que não conheciam esses vídeos, eu espero que tenham gostado de conhecer.
Até a próxima!!!!!!!!!
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2007
Dire Straits and Pete Townshend
Uma bomba para voçês!!!!!!!! =)
ITV, UK, October 1985
Additional comments:DVD-Video featuring Pete Townshend in the South Bank Show Documentary, broadcasted in October 1985. Taken from master VHS tape, very good picture and sound quality. Interviews are by Melvyn Bragg. Pete Townshend is promoting the White City album but this documentary also features a demonstration by Pete of how he records at home (That's Alright Mamma and After The Fire). Also seen is Pete Townshend rehearsing with Dire Straits. They go through the song Going Home shortly in the dressing room (?) and rehearsing on stage. Very nice footage, including images of Prince Charles and Princess Diana shaking hands with the musicians before the Prince's Trust Rock Gala 1985. I think the rehearsals with Pete and Dire Straits were recorded the day of the concert, which has been on 4th July 1985. There is also a complete audience recording availble of that show:
Sem comentários, é muito raro ( is very rare ) ^^
quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2007
Dire Straits- Amsterdam 79
Amsterdam, Holland - November 4, 1979
Bem, aqui é o ponto alto da Communique Tour 79.
Eles começam o show, com uma Incrível introdução, para Down to the Waterline.
Quem conhece a versão de Down to the Waterline do Show Dortmund 80, vai perceber que ela é bem parecida com a desse show em Amsterdam 1979.Então, podemos deduzir o rumo que o Dire Straits iria tomar, de todo jeito! ^^
As versões estão mais pesada, do que no início da turnê.
Enfim, é um bootleg obrigatório para verdadeiros fãs e apreciadores.
A qualidade de som, é perfeita, espero que apreciem!!!!! ^^
(Detalhe: o Set List está perfeito em todos os sentidos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ^^
Dire Straits

A voz e a guitarra do Dire Straits ao vivo em Cologne, 1979