Brunno Nunes.
Nós sabemos o valor da boa música, somos fãs do Dire Straits e Mark Knopfler!
(We know the value of good music, we are fans of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler!)
Lembrando: "As datas para envio serão os dia 13-14-15/12/08, pois assim a encomenda chegará +/- no dia 22/12/08, pertinho do Natal." Não enviarei nenhum pedido antes dessas datas especificadas, esse é o critério, uma vez que esse projeto é para o Natal, ou pelo menos o mais próximo do Natal."
Aqueles que fizem seu pedido antecipado, serão os primeiros a receberem a encomenda. Irei dividir em três opções:
*Pedidos do dia 14/11 ao dia 22/11 serão enviados no dia 13/12/08
*Pedidos do dia 22/11 ao dia 30/11, serão enviados no dia 14//12/08
*Pedidos do dia 30/11 ao dia 08/12, serão enviados no dia 15/12/08
Me comprometo em enviar todos os pedidos, a intenção é enviar até o dia 15/12/08, contudo, caso seja nescessário, enviarei após as datas estabelecidas, mas ninguém que fez o seu pedido corretamente ficará sem o seu material!
(Lembrando mais uma vez: "Estou fazendo algo pensando na satisfação de proporcionar uma opção fácil, segura e acessível para qualquer fã interessado em adquirir qualquer uma das opções que irei disponibilizar nesse meu projeto para o Natal". No entanto, espero não ser visto como um maldito, caso venha acontecer, irei lamentar, pois estou bem intencionado quanto a minha ideia e espero que olhem para o semblante do que estou propondo! )
Os interessados podem escrever para>> communique_60@yahoo.com.br
DETALHE>>> e-mail "(communique_60@yahoo....)"
Escrevam e façam o pedido da lista.
Brunno Nunes.
Esse show é excelente, contém uma rara versão de Devil baby.
Esse foi o segundo show da Turne de 2008.
Second night of the tour. Originally, the sound on Marbletown was recorded only on the left channel, which is corrected to two channels on this CD. The last few notes of Marbletown are missing. Very nice show with a rare version of Devil baby (played instead of Postcards from Paraguay), which is totally different from the studio version.
The Joint, Las Vegas, USA
Date 26th June 2008
Source Audience
Tracks CD 1
Why aye man
What it is
Sailing to Philadelphia
True love will never fade
The fish and the bird
Hill farmer's blues
Romeo and Juliet
Sultans of swing
Tracks CD 2
Song for Sonny Liston (intro missing)
Band introduction
Speedway at Nazareth
Telegraph road
Brothers in arms
So far away
Going home
Additional comments Good sounding recording. Unfortunately, John McCusker had a problem acquiring his US visa. Because of that, he missed the first three US shows. This is the last of these three shows that misses John and it's interesting to hear how the band filled up the musical parts that John used to play. This is one of the smaller venues on the tour with just about 1400 seats. Recorded in the middle of the arena. On this show, Song for Sonny Liston was played, which was not played on the European leg of this tour. Unfortunately, the intro of that song is missing, but apart from that it's the complete show.
Very good sounding recording. Last Canadian show of the Kill to get Crimson world tour. Nice version of Song for Sonny Liston, a song which was not played on the European leg of this tour. Complete show.
Então é isso pessoal, espero que apreciem esses bootlegs!
Até breve! ^^
---> <---I hope you enjoy these Bootlegs!
See you soon! ^^
Brunno Nunes.
Tracks CD 1
Ride across the river
Expresso love
One world
Romeo and Juliet
Private investigations
Sultans of swing
Why worry [A]
Walk of life
Two young lovers
Tracks CD 2
Money for nothing
Wild west end [A]
Tunnel of love
Brothers in arms
Solid rock
Going home
[A] guest player Branford Marsalis
Esse bootleg é mostra justamente o auge do Dire Straits.
Gravado em Radio City Music Hall, New York, USA
Date 3rd October 1985.
Durante a BIA Tour, o Dire Straits fez um grande turnê em USA, foram três meses de agosto a outubro. Então dia 03 desse mês, completou-se 23 anos desse magnifico show, que teve participação especial de Branford Marsalis em Why worry e Wild west end.
Essa foi a turnê do Dire Straits com maior número de convidados especiais.
Espero que gostem e apreciem mais um registro especial, disponível só aqui no Blog! ^^
Additional comments Pretty nice sound quality. Complete concert including a 20 minute version of Tunnel of love and guest player Branford Marsalis on Why worry and Wild west end.
Brunno Nunes.
In every interview, MK is asked about the possibility of the DS' return, the DS come back seems to be very difficult cause Mark and you actualy can do what you want to do, but sure that during all the DS life a lot of songs were leave out from records or only played in rough demos, in 2003 DS will have 25 years of life, have been thought the possibility of release a cd with DS b sides, unrelased, demos and so on or any special thing to celebrate the 25th anniversary? something like the 4 cd´s box "tracks" from Bruce Springsteen? this one have a lot of success... MK and you, as DS members, are you in touch with the people who were part of the band, namely Alan, Terry, Chris, Jack...? especially Terry who I’d hoped would be on the OES album and tour, but unfortunately he wasn´t...
* I have only been in touch with Alan, Chris and John. Alan of course has worked with me over the last few years on various TV projects. I see Chris fairly regularly and always enjoy hooking up with him. John I don’t see often enough, although I know he and MK get on well and see each other fairly regularly.
The 96ers were the main band on the 96 tour, Wag the dog, Metroland and Sailing to Phildephia. The 2001 tour had Geraint Watkins instead of Jim, and also Mike Henderson, will both be part of the 96ers or Mike and Geraint will be only contributors on the next album and will Jim came back?
*I’m sure Jim will be back with us in the studio. As for the rest, we’ll just have to wait and see.
MK Told on some interviews that he recorded the "A shot at glory" with Scottish musicians, from various reports we know that Catriona MacDonnald is one, who were the rest?
*It looks like the film is finally about to be released. I have a date for what seems to be a screening in Scotland on October 5th, more on it's general release later. The musicians were - Mark and myself, also Catriona Macdonald - fiddle, Billy Jackson - Harp, Bodhran, Whistle, Ian Lowthian - Piano accordion, Iain MacInnes - Bagpipes, Steve Sidwell - Flugel Horn, Danny Cummings - percussion and Chris White - Tenor sax. I engineered and co-produced it with MK. I was assisted by Callum Malcolm at Castlesound studio in Pencaitland, Scotland.
What do you feel when you see that other keyboards join the band? Don´t you feel that you can do all the keyboards work alone?
*No way….Telegraph Road? I’m flat out playing the Strings, organ, Pipe organ, Whistle, and FX. The piano part is a full time job! I always enjoy the collaboration with another keyboard player although Alan became a very close friend. (he was best man at my wedding)
Talking about your pals on keyboards, talk us about Alan Clark, Jim Cox and Geraint Watkins, , what do you think about them as musicians? Who is the best and in what?
*Obviously I couldn’t say who was best as they are all very different and each have their own special qualities. Alan ('the planet Clark') was great to be on tour with, plus we both learned to windsurf together in Montserrat in 1984 during the recording of ‘Brothers in arms’. He was also best-man at my wedding. Jim IS the TOTAL musician, a great pianist and organist plus a wonderful arranger as was shown at the Shepherds bush empire during the Golden Heart tour where he arranged the string quartet for my Hawaiian Steel debut. Geraint is a unique boogie pianist as well as a great Hammond player. He also plays a DEMON accordion as many of you well know.
Any chance to have people as Paul Franklin or Sonny Landreth touring with the band, as happened this year with Mike Henderson and Geraint Watkins, who are artists with solo careers too?
*maybe…it’s too early to say.
Sailing to Philadelphia is a song tha sounds better with a duet, Mark sung this song alone on the most part of the tour, except in Boston with James Taylor, Los Angeles with Jackson Browne and some other venues with William Topley, but, was tried with Mike Henderson singing or Geraint Watkins? Mike has his own band, "The Bluebloods" and Geraint have a long solo career...
*No, we never did try that…don’t really know why.
When some songs have new arrangements on the live perfomance, are created by MK or any musician apport ideas for it?
*we all have a say in the arrangement although it’s usually MK who has the final say.
How does MK compose? and you?Ii mean, first you have the lyrics and then you do the music for this lyrics? all at once?, or it´s first the music and after the lyrics?
*That’s really a question for Mark. Personally, I generally write music first.
If MK wants to be centered on his own career, why only play two songs from the GH, and only Wag the dog and Wild theme from his music scores? Both contains very good material to play...
*I think that the balance of songs worked for the vast majority of the audiences; everyone wants to hear the old stuff too.
Dont think it´s needed to add more old songs for next tours as a tribute to the die-hard fans that follow MK´s career from 1978?
*Not really, we will always play what WE want, but we do bear in mind the needs of the die-hards.
Was it hard to re-instrumentate for songs such as Wild west end or Six blade knife for the BIA 85-86 world tour? was that MK´s idea or a combination of the band members ideas?
*That was mostly MK but we all threw in ideas.
How is the first selection of tracks made before the rehearseals before start a tour?
*Mark drew up a list and we took it from there.
What does Silvertown blueshave that was so hard to record for the album and was so hard to rehearse and play it live?
*It has three guitar parts that are very much Marks’ style, he just didn’t feel comfortable with it….that’s all I can really say.
How does Pyroman come to your heads? What's the history of that song?
*again, that’s a question for the writer.
Why doesn't MK want to play some legendary songs from the past as Tunnel of love or Once upon a time? The selected songs for a live, are chosen because the band wants to play them or maybe are chosen thinking what the audience wants to hear?
*both elements are considered, it’s a balance.
Sands of Nevada, Silvertown, and One more matinee were songs than everybody expected to hear in concerts, but these weren’t played at all. In the 1996 tour, sometimes Portobello Belle, Gravy Train, No can Do and Are we in trouble now were played, only in some gigs, and were absolutely surprises, but this time the surprises were only Pyroman as new song, So far away was surprise at the beginning of the tour, and Wag the dog occasionally. Maybe you didn’t want us to suffer a heart attack with surprise?
*yes, that’s it.
In various interviews, Mark told that most of the songs leave out or never finished were songs with country sound, as Red Staggerwing, Donkeytown (both with Emmylou Harris), Two skinny kids, It´s been a while, etc. MK´s countries song are very goods but if thes songs don’t fit again in the next album, do you think it´s possible that Mark could donate them to country
artists such Vince Gill, John Anderson, Emmy or other MK´s friends?
*Mark doesn’t ‘donate’ songs. They are either ‘placed’ by his publishers or the artists will ask Mark personally if they can record them.
How many songs were created (not only finished) to STP album? Will those other songs have a final destiny or will be forgot forever?
*who knows….there were about twenty or so songs recorded in total during the sessions…I’ll ask about that.
The evolution of the song is a very interesting fact, not may artists let people to hear how a song born and develope into the final song. With the new technologies, DVD, mp3 etc. it´s possible to do cd roms with that kind of stuff, could we have on future the chance to know that kind of things through the new multimedia technologies or through your nice site?
*I’m considering doing this with my material….showing how it evolves. Stay tuned.
What did you think when everybody in Madrid began to scream ¡Fletcher!¡Fletcher! ¡Fletcher!, you seemed to be a little ashamed, didn´t you?
*On the contrary, I was honoured!
You play with Mark in most part of his contributions to another artists albums, MK feels more comfortable as composer or as contributor? and you?
*He’s a writer, that’s what he calls himself. I will turn my hand to anything that is a challenge.
In what ways can these long tours affect everybody?
*We get spoilt. The G4, the posh hotels etc. Experience keeps our feet on the ground.
The last DS concert ever was in the John´s wedding, exist any recording of that? Sure that someone recorded in video the wedding, he he he he
*I’m sure they did but I’m not about to dig that one up!
Some artists do special cd´s with b sides, alternative takes of songs, demos, unreleased songs to sell directly from the artist to the fans, using the internet sites, do you think the Mark Knopfler fans deserves to have something like that?
*I’ll check up on this, it’s a good idea.
Which are the guitar series number of each MK guitar? (this question comes from a spanish fan who own and owned a large and great guitar collections...)
*If you mean serial numbers, I can’t give that information, sorry.
What do you think about the music that is made nowadays? Which era do you like more?
*Every era has it’s high points, influences and musical styles to offer. I believe one should learn as much as possible from all…that’s my definition of a complete musician. Still a long way for me to go. The more you learn - the more you realise you don’t know.
Spanish City, the spanish Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits Mailing List have about 400 people who, apart from MK, some of this people like Bruce Springsteen. We know that Mark and Bruce had a met in 1980, Making Movies record was produces by Jimmy Iovine, Mark worked with Roy Bittan and DS in 1985 played with Nils Lofgren live. But it seems that Mark and Bruce never did anything together, live or in studio. Will be possible that this two music heroes could do anything together?
*You never know, I’m sure MK will collaborate many times in the future.
Again with Bruce, Silvertwon Blues seems a tribute to the "Lucky Town" from Bruce, Mark and Brice share songs titles as "Tunnel of love", "Local Hero", "Philadelphia"... It´s just a coincidence or an influence?
*again, a question for Mark.
What do you think about the connection between fans and musicians through the internet?
*It’s VERY rewarding - for all, as I’m discovering.
Since you have e-mail sure you have received thousands of e-mails and your diary and your own homepage have thousands of visits every day of fans all over the world. Your site will have a sounds section. Have you thought that this section could be very useful when you are working on an album? Usualy you have about 25 songs to select bewten 12-16 songs, uploading 30 seconds of every song with a vote formulary could do the fans help you to select the best songs, as the fans are the final destiny of the album, and maybe, prizing that help releasing a special cd limited edition with an extra cd with the songs that were not selected, but the band think that must be released...
*It’s a good thought but Mark’s albums are a personal thing. He likes to decide these things through the course of time.
Do you and Mark like the classical music? It´s well know that George Martin said to MK during the On every street recordings that some parts made him remember Bela Bartok compositions, and, for example, the Last Exit to Brooklyn main theme is very similar to the "Cavalleria Rusticana´s Intermezzo", composed by P.Mascagni...
*Yes, we do.
Mark guitars are tuned not in a conventional way?
*You mean not by him...he.he.he....Yes they are actually, with a few exceptions ie. the Romeo National is Straight G tuning.
What kind of music are you going to play in the next album? The music lineswill stay in the STP style? Any chance of making an incursion in blues?
*I haven’t heard the songs yet.
Sometimes Mark have too much songs for an single album, why not release a double studio album?
*We discussed that but Mark decided to ‘concentrate’ the tracks; plus, a double album these days, sadly, is a handicap commercially.
Did you see the papers, the WELCOME and THANK you mosaic in Barcelona and Madrid concerts? do you liked them?
*Yes, of course we liked, and appreciate them very much.
That´s not a question but a thank you. Was very nice after see MK´s gigs in 1992, 1992 and 2001 that MK told to the people "MUCHAS GRACIAS", was very nice. We hope that someday we will have a nice tribute in spanish as the one to french fans with "Je suis desole", we can´t consider "El Macho" as a tribute, sorry, he he he.
*Yes, El Macho wasn’t meant as that. It’s just a song.
I’d just like to add that the Spanish fans have always given great support with an energy level beyond belief. Keep it up! We particularly enjoyed the Spanish shows as was hopefully proven to you by the fact we decided to record there. The UK recordings are intended merely as backup. Thank-you everyone…oe, oe, oe, oe………..
Brunno Nunes.
A qualidade não é muito boa, no entanto o concerto está completo. Incluindo o pequeno discurso de Mark Knopfler no qual ele agradece a banda, a equipe e diz adeus à platéia. É um momento histórico, ao fim de uma era.
Um momento inesquecível é quando Mark fala>> Thanks Dire Straits for the great memories I will cherish for the rest of my life!
Ah, só pra lembrar: Inacreditávelmente já são 16 anos sem>> Heavy fuel, Private investigations, On every street, Two young lovers, Solid rock, Tunnel of Love, Planet of New Orleans, I think I love you too much, Iron Hand, You and your friend, ambas, músicas que foram tocadas na última turnê do Dire Straits-OES Tour 91/92 e de lá pra cá, jamais foram tocadas novamente. oO
Aguardem! ^^
Um raro registro, disponivel agora para todos vocês! =)
Aproveitando o ensejo, vejam tamvém o vídeo>> John Illsley - I Want To See The Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_DwdbZ_b64
Brunno Nunes.
Livro- Dire Straits
Autor- Michael Oldfield
Publicado por- Sidgwick & Jackson Limited.
ISBN: 0-688-02514-5
Páginas: 152
Esse é o meu oráculo! =)
Uma verdadeira relíquia literária para os(as) amantes de uma das bandas mais incríveis da história do Rock, O dIRE sTRAITS!
Additional info:
This is the best book about Dire Straits you can find. Made in cooperation with the band and includes interviews and a lot of new facts. Also a lot of nice pictures. A very well written book. Available in English and French.
Is very very rare these days.
Brunno Nunes.
Bem, esses dvds fazem parte de minha coleção do Dire Straits e Mark Knopfler.
São alguns dvd e suas respectivas capas, no entanto, é apenas uma parte de meu acervo! =)
Em breve mostrarei as outras partes!
Até a próxima!!!
Brunno Nunes.
Brunno Nunes.